A timer with the DS1307 RTC chip: the code

The estimated reading time for this post is 272 seconds

Here I am again with the timer.

As I explained in the previous post I want to turn on and/or turn off an electrical appliance at 220 V using relays.

I never had any experience in using relays, then at the moment the scheme will include a led.

Here is the schema seen previously with the addition of led connected to PIN 13 Arduino digital:



And here is the code:


#include <Wire.h>
#include <String.h>
#include "RTClib.h"
#define BUFFER_SIZE 20
#define STATE_OFF  0
#define STATE_ON   1
//Giornate di programmazione
const int numeroProgrammazioni = 4;
String Monday[numeroProgrammazioni] = {
  "21:35", "20:30","20:35","20:40"};
String Tuesday[numeroProgrammazioni] = {
  "11:00", "11:35","13:10","13:50"};
String Wednesday[numeroProgrammazioni] = {
  "20:55", "19:58","20:00","20:05"};
String Thursday[numeroProgrammazioni] = {
  "10:00", "10:35","17:10","20:00"};
String Friday[numeroProgrammazioni] = {
  "10:00", "10:35","14:10","15:00"};
String Saturday[numeroProgrammazioni] = {
  "18:15", "18:20","18:22","18:25"};
String Sunday[numeroProgrammazioni] = {
  "10:00", "10:35","12:10","15:00"};
//Fine giornate di programmazione
RTC_DS1307 rtc;
int fsm_state;
String END_TIME;
int nSize = numeroProgrammazioni / 2;
String giornoTemp[numeroProgrammazioni];
void setup () {
  //Serial.println("Inizio Setup");
  fsm_state = STATE_OFF;
#ifdef AVR
  Wire1.begin(); // Shield I2C pins connect to alt I2C bus on Arduino Due
  if (! rtc.isrunning()) {
    rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__)));
  pinMode(13,OUTPUT);        //Collegamento al LED
void loop () {
    // Ricavo il time attuale
    DateTime now = rtc.now();  
    int giorno = now.dayOfWeek();      //0 = Monday 1 = Tuesday 2 = Wednesday ....
    //Serial.println( giorno);
    if (giorno == 1){                  //Monday
      memcpy(giornoTemp,Monday, sizeof(Monday));
    else if (giorno == 2){            //Tuesday
      memcpy(giornoTemp,Tuesday, sizeof(Tuesday));
    else if (giorno == 3){            //Wednesday
      memcpy(giornoTemp,Wednesday, sizeof(Wednesday));
    else if (giorno == 4){            //Thursday
      memcpy(giornoTemp,Thursday, sizeof(Thursday));
    else if (giorno == 5){            //Friday
      memcpy(giornoTemp,Friday, sizeof(Friday));
    else if (giorno == 6){            //Saturday
      memcpy(giornoTemp,Saturday, sizeof(Saturday));
    else if (giorno == 7){            //Sunday
      memcpy(giornoTemp,Sunday, sizeof(Sunday));
    //verifico lo stato che dovrà assumere
    int isON = 0;
    for (int i= 0; i< nSize;i++){
      START_TIME = giornoTemp[i*2];
      END_TIME = giornoTemp[(i*2)+1];
      isON = setStatus(now,START_TIME,END_TIME);
    } //end for
int setStatus(DateTime timeOra, String START_TIME, String END_TIME)
  //recupero l'ora
  DateTime dSTART_TIME = DateTime(timeOra.year(),timeOra.month(),timeOra.day(),START_TIME.substring(0, 2).toInt(),START_TIME.substring(3, 5).toInt(),0);
  DateTime dEND_TIME = DateTime(timeOra.year(),timeOra.month(),timeOra.day(),END_TIME.substring(0, 2).toInt(),END_TIME.substring(3, 5).toInt(),0);
  long lSTART_TIME = dSTART_TIME.unixtime();
  long lEND_TIME = dEND_TIME.unixtime(); 
  switch(fsm_state) {
  case STATE_OFF:
    if(timeOra.unixtime() > lSTART_TIME && timeOra.unixtime() < lEND_TIME) {
      fsm_state = STATE_ON;
      //Serial.println("caso 1");
  case STATE_ON:
    if(timeOra.unixtime() > lEND_TIME) {
      fsm_state = STATE_OFF;
      //Serial.println("caso 2");
  return fsm_state;
void gestisciCarico(int isON)
  if (isON == 1){

Code explanation:

from line 12 to line 25: setting times of day when turn led
row 47: setting RTC with time and date code compilation
row 50: setting led connection on pin 13
In the loop:
row 55: updating RTC with current day and time
row 57: Getting current day (0= monday, 1 = thusday…).
In this way i can undestand which array I have to use to determine hour settings.
line 86: using the setStatus function to test whether or not turn on the led
row 84: function setStatus: to compare dates using the function unixtime () that converts the date to unix (long): The function returns an int (0/1) 1 turn on led and 0 turn off
line 87: gestisciCarico function: the function takes as input the value previously returned. At this point it is actually switched on led.

This is actually what we wanted: our led will turn on or off in the hours established by us.

The next steps, which I’ll explain soon are:

1. adding a random function (optional): If the random function is activated, I’ll add some random minutes to the hour I decided in array.

2. using relay to turb off or on a 220v bulb.

That’s all.

Happy 2016!

2 thoughts to “A timer with the DS1307 RTC chip: the code”

  1. Hey,
    grazie mille for this great tutorial! I would want the light to be switched on within a scope of seconds. In other words instead of “20:00″,”20:05” as you put in the sketch above, I would want it to work like this “20:00:00″,”20:00:05” so that the lamp is only running for 5 seconds. Have tried to insert this setting, however, without success. I figured out that the minim I had to set the RTC is based on minutes.

    Any suggestion hot to take seconds into account would be very much appreciated 🙂

  2. Hello, I’m interrested in this post as I try to build a similar system for my garden to start/stop watering several times a day, on an entire week cycle with 4-6 outputs and LCD / keypad system, I looked at the Time and Time Alarm libraries together with a DS3231 RTC.
    Not sure to understand the day index :
    int giorno = now.dayOfWeek(); //0 = Monday
    and :
    if (giorno == 1){ //Monday
    And also wouldn’t it better to use a case / switch structure ipo else /if , as well as the the Time and TimeAlarm libraries.
    thanks for your comments,
