My first clone (CH340G chip)-Arduino

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For my latest experiments (see previous post) I decided to buy my first Arduino clone.

Once written the sketch I tried to upload it: nothing, no USB communication with my MAC system.

Reading the ad and looking better the tab, I found that the chip that is responsible for the serial communication is not present in the original Arduino boards but is the CH340G chip (USB/Serial Interface).

It is therefore necessary to find the correct drivers to handle the chip.

I found this very interesting guide searching in Internet.

Summary for my future and memory for those who follow me:

  1. Download the drivers fromm here (chip manufacturer’s site) or directly from my site (CH341SER_MAC)
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Open the unzipped folder, inside there is ch34xInstall.pkg file. Run the package installation
  4. If required, perform the reboot
  5. If, like me, you have OS-X, open Terminal and run the following command:
    sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
  6. Reboot

At this point in the Arduino Ide, on the Tools menu, serial port, you can select the correct serial port.

I hope you can help!

